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The Players Impact Featured on Market Rebellion

May 8, 2024

Three-time Super Bowl Champ Lonie Paxton discusses the benefits of The Players Impact for professional athletes with two other former NFL players, Jon and Pete Najarian.

Longtime TPI member Lonie Paxton highlighted the benefits of The Players Impact during today’s Market Rebellion with Pete and Jon Najarian.

Lonie stated, “I’ve had some of my investments go the opposite way, and it was all lead through passion. I need some guardrails. Then I met Tracy Deforge and what she’s been building at The Players Impact… [TPI] helps athletes stay on the rails and it gives these alternative assets deals with scorecards.”

“What The Players Impact really does is democratize the opportunity so everyone comes in under an SPV. We all get to play together. I can invest alongside a women’s Olympic athlete and they can invest alongside a family office billionaire and still come in at the same level and learn along the way.” Paraphrased with permission.

Lonie played 12 seasons with the NFL for the New England Patriots and Denver Broncos, taking home 3 Super Bowl Championships. He is also the Executive Producer and CEO of Dotted Line Ventures.

Market Rebellion offers daily options trading insights from former NFL players Jon and Pete Najarian. You can watch more Market Rebellion shorts here.